Home » Day 13 – Letters From God

Day 13 – Letters From God


Letters From God

Dear Beloved,
I enjoyed our time together this morning. I wish it could have been longer. I have so much I would love to share with you…but you were in such a rush to get off to work, you cut our time short. I hope your promise to make better efforts at getting up earlier tomorrow will be followed through with an earlier bedtime tonight. I see so much you can do, so much you can accomplish for my Kingdom if you will just make every effort.
– God

Dear Beloved,
I’m so glad we visited this morning, brief as it was. I know you tried to get up earlier to spend time with me, but you failed at getting to bed at a reasonable time. Netflix does not make a good bedfellow my child. You must be careful of what you watch and listen to. It is not surprising you had trouble falling asleep. If you only knew the dreams I wish to fill your mind and heart with! Your virtue is on the line when you stop paying attention to what your eyes see and your ears hear.
– God

Dear Beloved,
I missed you this morning. Your assumption that one day’s devotion can carry you over for another day is an idea born from ignorance. Oh, how I wish you knew how knowable I am! How I wish you would seek me! When you seek me with all your heart, you will find me! And the only way to do that is to know my Word. Get into it every day. The Holy Spirit is an amazing, perfect teacher. You must learn to be a self-feeding disciple so you can make other disciples. No, you don’t have to “know it all” to be a disciple maker, you just have to let others see my Son in you, and all that takes is a little transparency.
– God

Dear Beloved,
Another day has gone by and again, we have not spent time together. I miss you. How can you represent me well if you still act and respond no differently? Self-control means controlling ungodly desires. I love you my child! It is no sin to be tempted by these desires, but they must be dealt with. Do not give in to them. Do not give up! Stay strong and steadfast for my power is within you. You must learn endurance because I am not finished with you…not even close. So, do not give in to the everyday, repetitious “I can’t change” mindset. That is from the enemy. There is no “I can’t”. You can! Spend time with me tomorrow and I would love to show you how

– God

Dear Beloved,
Oh, how I loved getting together with you this morning! Our time was sweet. I could tell that you have a new respect for these moments. It reflects a respect for me which in turn produces more godliness in you. Let me continue pouring myself into you so that your life can reflect this respect. It is apparent that your time with your fellow believer was helpful to you…you have a mutual acceptance for the same thing. You are a team. All my children must be for each other because you all represent me. You are better together because you can represent me in a way you could not do if you were apart. Continue meeting together. It brings joy to my heart when I see my children in community with each other.
– God

Dear Beloved,
I love you. I love you with Agape love. My love is not only for you, but also extends beyond the boundaries of your perceptions. My heart is also for the unlovable, the lost, the indifferent, the criminal. These I also love. I tried to make that evident in our time this morning. It is important that you develop a love for the things that I love. For in so doing, you will be able to represent me in a way you never imagined!
However, there is something I must warn you about. There is a danger of becoming shortsighted. Do not become so self-focused that you grow blind to what is going on around you. For if you do, it will soon become all you care about, and you will begin to think my reach does not extend beyond the four walls of a church building. Shortsighted people become narcissistic. Shortsighted people fall in love with ungodly things. Shortsighted people fall into a repetitive cycle of failure. I would not have you become so.
You have been called to represent me! If you want to represent me well, you must make every effort to chase after the things that I love. You are my church! The highest calling in your life is not to be a success in business, it’s not to be a spouse, it’s not even to be a parent. It is much higher than that. Your highest calling is to represent me! And as you represent me, learn to see as I see, live as I live, act as I act and love as I love. I have given you everything you need to do this and do it well. Trust me. I love you.
See you tomorrow.
– God

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
Jeremiah 33:3

Dear God. Oh, how I love You! Thank you so much for loving me more than I could ever know! I praise You most Holy and awesome God! Thank you for Your Word! I love you. Amen.

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