Alan Johnson was tired.
And ready.
Ready to move on to the next season of his life. He and his long-time friend and business partner Richard Marks had built their company together a long time ago, and when Richard passed away last year after a long battle with colon cancer, he had been thinking he should start slowing down a bit. Maybe retire. Alan had built up a nice little nest egg and was considering taking it, and his wife, on a nice long vacation.
He was president and CEO, and although he had the last word, the company was really run by the board of directors. He had full confidence in these men and women to run the company as he and Richard created and designed it. He had put in his time, nearly 40 years, into making Johnson & Marks what it was today, and now he was ready to leave it in very capable hands. He was just sad that his good friend Richard wasn’t here to retire with him.
Alan wanted to get his company set first though. And they had one position that needed filling. They had some good candidates to choose from, but only two really stood out: Anne Peters and Brian Jones. Both excellent. Both talented. And both had very good interviews. All that was left was choosing one. The board was scheduled to meet the day after tomorrow to discuss all the candidates and fill the position, but the ultimate decision was his.
A heavy sigh escaped from his lips as he sat looking out of his office window. The view was incredible. He looked out over the lights of the city and thought of Richard. They had been college roommates and their friendship was instantaneous. They had a lot of the same classes and eventually graduated together. Richard went off to Northwestern for his graduate degree, Alan to Berkeley. They hooked back up again at a business conference in Chicago, decided to start their company soon after, and from then on, there was no stopping them. There were hard times of course, but they also celebrated the good times…marriages, children, grandchildren.
When Richard was diagnosed, it hit Alan pretty hard. Richard of course took it all in stride. He cleaned up his diet, started exercising. The doctors gave him two years, Richard made it through seven.
As Alan thought about his friend, he reached into his bottom desk drawer and pulled out the letter. Emily, Richard’s wife, had given it to him in private at the memorial service. She said that Richard had written it 2 days before his death and made Emily promise not to give it to him until after. He had read it so many times, the ink was starting to fade and the page was getting worn and creased. He opened it up and started reading it again. It always created a lump in his throat, but also made him take a good hard look at his own life…
Hey brother. If you’re reading this, then that means I’m gone. I don’t want you to get all mushy on me, so I’ll try and make this short.
I know you’ll probably disagree with me, but getting cancer was one of the best, worst things that happened to me. Don’t get me wrong…I definitely would never choose to go through it, or wish it on anyone, but it made me slow down and re-evaluate what is important in my life. When we were young, you and I both knew what we wanted…to make money. And we did. It took a lot of years, a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but we did. And we’ve got the cars, the houses, and the stocks and investments to prove it.
But Alan, all that stuff will not last. And it’s only been recently that I’ve realized that. Because only two things last forever…the Word of God, and the souls of people. And these last years I wanted to make sure that I invested in things that last forever. That’s why you saw me putting money into my church…into getting bibles in hard-to-reach places…into missions…into sponsoring young people. I know it may sound strange to you, but I believe that God gave me money, so I could give it away…for His glory…not mine. And because of that, these last few years have been some of the happiest of my life!
You know one of my favorite authors is J. Lee Whittington…you should read him sometime. He said, ‘a legacy is not just something you leave when you die, but it is something you live now.’ I just wish I had started sooner. We all leave a legacy Alan. We can do it by default, or on purpose. I want mine to be one of generosity.
I love you like you were my brother, Alan. And I’ll miss you, so let me challenge you with this thought…live a legacy of generosity. Give to the kingdom of God, and you will experience some of the happiest moments of your life.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in very good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
Our willingness to invest our treasure to advance the gospel is born out of the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts as He transforms our thinking from an earthly mindset to a kingdom mindset.
We are merely stewards of the treasure that God has given us. How are you using it to further His kingdom?
It takes walking by faith.
It takes making a decision. Every single day.
You must decide in your heart…you must decide to agree with God.
Our level of commitment to invest our time, talent and treasure will determine how effective we are in partnering with God to advance the gospel.
Time. Talent. Treasure.
Dear Father, I commit to you my time, talent and treasure! Oh, how I want to abound in every good work for You! Give me the wisdom I need to make the right decisions, the grace I need to make it through the hard times, and the humility it takes to give you all the glory You so rightly deserve! I love you Lord! Amen.